My intention for the blog on this trip was to keep a journal of our travels and to stay in touch with our family and friends back home. I kept thinking I would update every day, but it seems I prefer to nap during our down time - imagine that! And then I lost the ability to upload David's photos here....something about iCloud storage being full, bla bla bla so I lost some momentum. Hopefully I'll figure out the photo thing or upload them to Facebook and transfer them here.
The day-and-a-half we spent in Florence was insanely beautiful. The Residenza Giotto B&B was literally on the doorstep of the Duomo Square, so our balcony and the breakfast terrace provided incredible views of the Duomo, Campanile, and Baptistry. It was especially compelling at night to sit outside and enjoy a beverage at sunset. We spent our limited time chasing after Michelangelo, and boy did we find him! The Medici chapels, while under renovation, were still jaw-dropping. We also enjoyed the Uffizi Gallery.
For me, the highlight of the Florence visit was the Duomo Museum, which has recently reopened after a major redesign. It is a user-friendly and inspiring space, displaying the treasures of Florence in a thoughtful way. It is a MUST SEE when you visit Firenze!
Monday was a travel day. We are now in Barcelona, which is just as beautiful, but in a very different way. I plan to update later tonight, if I can pull myself away from the tapas and sangria! Buon dia!